Are you ready to get cooking in Spanish? In this lesson we are going to go over the 59 most important words regarding meals, fruits, vegetables, food in restaurants, drinks, and kitchen utensils.

There are definitely more than 59 words that you “could” learn, but I wanted to give you all of the most useful words so as to not promote the learning of words you probably won’t use.
Are you ready to master food vocabulary in Spanish? Let’s go!!
Food (Related) Vocabulary In Spanish

El Desayuno | Breakfast (Lit: Des - End/Stop + Ayuno - Fast) |
El Almuerzo | Lunch |
La Cena | Dinner |
Un Bocadillo | A Snack |
Una Bebida | A Drink |
El Tenedor | Fork |
La Cuchara | Spoon |
El Cuchillo | Knife |
Fruits and Vegetables Vocabulary In Spanish
Fruits and Vegetables can actually change a lot in Spanish depending on where you are at.
In some places, a "plantain" is a banana, in some places a "papaya" is female genitalia (Cuba - cough cough**).
The fruit names I gave you are the most common ones in Latino America. Although some countries such as Venezuela have different names for some things. Just a heads up!
Las Frutas En Español (Fruits In Spanish)

La Granada | Pomegranate |
La Sandía | Watermelon |
La Piña | Pineapple |
El Limón | Lemon |
El Kiwi | Kiwi |
La Uva | Grape |
La Fresa | Strawberry |
El Guineo / La Banana | Banana |
El Plátano | Plantain |
El Mango | Mango |
Las Verduras En Español (Vegetables In Spanish)

La Zanahoria | Carrot |
El Tomate | Tomato |
La Patata / Papa | Potato |
El Pepino | Cucumber |
El Aguacate | Avocado |
El Brócoli | Broccoli |
El Apio | Celery |
El Ajo | Garlic |
La Lechuga | Lettuce |
La Cebolla | Onion |
El Pimiento | Bell Pepper |
Condimentos - Seasonings In Spanish

La Pimienta Negra | Black Pepper |
El Ajo En Polvo | Garlic Powder |
La Cebolla En Polvo | Onion Powder |
La Sal | Salt |
El Curry | Curry |
El Azúcar | Sugar |
El Comino | Cumin |
La Canela | Cinnamon |
La Comida De Restaurantes - Restaurant Food (In Spanish)

Una Ensalada (De Atún) | A (Tuna) Salad |
Una Sopa (De Pollo) | A (Chicken) Soup |
Un Sándwich (De Pollo) | A (Chicken) Sandwich |
Un Filete | A Steak |
Un Taco | A Taco |
Los Patacones | Fried Plantain Chips |
Vocabulario De Bebidas - Spanish Drink Vocabulary

La Leche | Milk |
La Soda | Soda |
El Café | Coffee |
El Té | Tea |
Un Vaso De Agua | Glass Of Water |
El Jugo | Juice |
La Cerveza/Birra | Beer |
El Vino | Wine |
La Piña Colada | Pina Colada |
El Batido | Smoothie |
La Margarita | Margarita |
El Ron | Rum |
Vaso | Glass |
Sustantivos De Cocina (Spanish Cooking Nouns)

La Olla | Pot |
La Sartén | Pan |
La Espátula | Spatula |
La Estufa | Stove |
El Horno | Oven |
La Microonda | Microwave |
La Tostadora | Toaster |
El Abrelatas | Can Opener |
La Nevera | Refrigerator |
El Lavaplatos | Kitchen Sink |
La Cafetera | Coffee Maker |
La Arrocera | Rice Maker |
La Licuadora | Blender |
La Mantequilla | Butter |
El Aceite | Oil |
La Harina | Flour |
El Arroz | Rice |
El Queso | Cheese |
La Carne | Meat (Beef) |
El Pescado | Fish |
Cooking Verbs

Preparar | To Prepare |
Cocinar | To Cook |
Calentar | To Heat Up |
Congelar | To Freeze |
Descongelar | To Defrost |
Pelar | To Peel |
Revolver | To Stir |
Hervir | To Boil |
Freír | To Fry |
Hornear | To Bake |
Añadir | To Add |
Common Phrases Related To Food/Eating

Tengo hambre | I'm hungry |
No tengo muchas ganas de comer | I don’t really feel like eating |
Tengo antojo de una hamburguesa | I’m craving a burger |
¿Cuándo comemos? | When are we going to eat? |
¿Puedes cocinar la cena? | Can you cook dinner? |
No quiero lavar los platos | I don’t want to wash the dishes |
¿Cómo se prende la estufa? | How do you turn the stove on? |
¿Qué vamos a desayunar? | What are we going to have for breakfast? |
¿Qué quisieras cenar? | What would you like to have for dinner? |