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Common Plant Names In Spanish

In this unusually short article, we’re going to go over the names of the most common plants in Spanish. Including flower, tree, crop, and household plant names.

If there is anything that you think should be added to this list to make it even more helpful, shoot me your suggestion in the comments or to my email, and I’d love to include your idea!

Without any further ado, let’s take a look at the most common plant names in Spanish!

Common Flower Names In Spanish

picture of many different flowers

  • Chamomile - La manzanilla

  • Roses - Las rosas

  • Daisies - Las margaritas

  • Tulips - Los tulipanes

  • Sunflowers - Los girasoles

  • Lilies - Los lirios

  • Daffodils - Los larcisos

  • Lavender - La lavanda

  • Orchids - Las orquídeas

  • Boquet - El ramo

  • Lotus - El loto

  • Jasmine - El jazmín

Common Tree Names In Spanish

picture of many trees

  • Oak - El roble

  • Pine - El pino

  • Maple - El arce

  • Birch - El abedul

  • Cedar - El cedro

  • Spruce - El abeto

  • Willow - El sauce

  • Palm - La palmera

  • Redwood - La secuoya

  • Cherry - El cerezo

Commonly Cultivated Plants

picture of farmer cultivating crops

  • Tomato - El tomate

  • Wheat - El trigo

  • Corn - El maíz

  • Rice - El arroz

  • Potato - La patata

  • Carrot - La zanahoria

  • Cucumber - El pepino

  • Lettuce - La lechuga

  • Apple - La manzana

  • Grapes - La uva

  • Strawberry - La fresa

  • Cotton - El algodón

  • Soybean - El grano de soja

  • Olive - La aceituna

  • Bamboo - El bambú

  • Crops - La cosecha

Common Household Plants

  • Spider Plant - La planta araña

  • Aloe Vera - La sábila

  • Rubber Plant - Planta de caucho

  • Succulents - La suculenta

  • Boston Fern - Helecho de Boston

  • Bamboo Palm - Palma de bambú

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