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El Viaje a la Granja (The Trip to the Farm)

Había una vez dos hermanos, Carlos y Elena. Durante las vacaciones de verano, decidieron visitar la granja de sus abuelos en el campo. Estaban emocionados por lo que les esperaba.

Once upon a time, there were two siblings, Carlos and Elena. During summer vacation, they decided to visit their grandparents' farm in the countryside. They were excited about what awaited them.

cartoon of carlos and elena arriving at their grandparents farm

Cuando llegaron a la granja, se sorprendieron al ver todos los animales. Había caballos, vacas, gallinas y hasta un cerdito llamado Paco. Los abuelos les explicaron que cada día tenían que ayudar con las tareas de la granja.

When they arrived at the farm, they were amazed to see all the animals. There were horses, cows, chickens, and even a little pig named Paco. The grandparents explained that every day, they had to help with the farm chores.

picture of the grandparents showing the grandchildren the farm animals

Carlos y Elena se pusieron manos a la obra. Por la mañana, ayudaron a alimentar a las gallinas y recoger los huevos frescos. Después, dieron de comer a los caballos y las vacas. Aprendieron a ordeñar una vaca con la ayuda de los abuelos.

Carlos and Elena got to work. In the morning, they helped feed the chickens and collect fresh eggs. Then, they fed the horses and cows. They learned to milk a cow with their grandparents' help.

cartoon of carlos and elena feeding and tending to the cows

Por la tarde, recogieron manzanas y peras de los árboles frutales. Luego, ayudaron a abuelo a arar el campo con un tractor pequeño. Estaban cansados, pero se sentían orgullosos de todo lo que habían hecho.

In the afternoon, they picked apples and pears from the fruit trees. Afterward, they helped Grandpa plow the field with a small tractor. They were tired, but they felt proud of everything they had done.

cartoon of carlos and elena helping pick fruit off of the trees

Cada noche, la abuela les contaba historias sobre la granja cuando ella era joven. Les hablaba de cómo solían jugar en los campos y explorar el bosque cercano.

Every night, Grandma told them stories about the farm when she was young. She talked about how they used to play in the fields and explore the nearby forest.

cartoon of the grandfather telling stories to Carlos and Elena

Un día, Carlos y Elena descubrieron un pequeño río que pasaba por la granja. Pasaron horas jugando en el agua y explorando el entorno. Se dieron cuenta de que la naturaleza era asombrosa y que la granja de sus abuelos era un lugar mágico.

One day, Carlos and Elena discovered a small river running through the farm. They spent hours playing in the water and exploring the surroundings. They realized that nature was amazing, and their grandparents' farm was a magical place.

carlos and elena looking at a river on the farm

A medida que pasaban los días, Carlos y Elena se sentían más conectados con la granja y los animales. Comenzaron a entender la importancia del trabajo duro y el cuidado de la naturaleza.

As the days went by, Carlos and Elena felt more connected to the farm and the animals. They began to understand the importance of hard work and taking care of nature.

Finalmente, llegó el momento de regresar a casa. Carlos y Elena se despidieron de los abuelos y de todos los animales de la granja con lágrimas en los ojos. Sabían que siempre tendrían hermosos recuerdos de su viaje a la granja.

Finally, it was time to go back home. Carlos and Elena said goodbye to their grandparents and all the farm animals with tears in their eyes. They knew they would always have beautiful memories of their trip to the farm.

grandparents walking carlos and elena off of their farm to say goodbye

A medida que crecieron, Carlos y Elena siempre recordaron su verano en la granja de sus abuelos y siempre apreciaron la importancia de la naturaleza y el trabajo en equipo.

As they grew up, Carlos and Elena always remembered their summer on their grandparents' farm and always appreciated the importance of nature and teamwork.

picture of the carlos, elena, and the grandparents holding hands and smiling with the title "The Trip To The Farm"


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