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Reflexive Verbs In Spanish | Full Guide

In this article, we are going to briefly go over - What reflexive verbs are, How to use them, and then I’ll give you a ton of examples of commonly used reflexive verbs.

My goal is to make this lesson as easy as possible for you to understand by not using any big linguistic words.

Are you ready to learn how we use reflexive verbs in Spanish? ¡Empecemos! (let's start!)

cartoon girl waking up with a big title that says "reflexive verbs in Spanish 101"

What Are Reflexive Verbs?

Reflexive verbs in Spanish are verbs that describe actions that a person does to themselves, such as "I wash my hair." They use reflexive pronouns like "me," "te," "se," "nos," "os," or "se" to show that the subject is both the doer and receiver of the action.

For example, in English, we can say "I wash myself" to show the action is done to ourselves.

In Spanish, it becomes "Me lavo," where "me" (myself) is the reflexive pronoun indicating the action is directed back to the subject. These verbs commonly talk about daily routines, personal care, and feelings.

How To Use Reflexive Verbs 101

Using reflexive verbs in Spanish is pretty straightforward! Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Identify the action: Look for actions that someone does to themselves, like getting up, washing, dressing, or feeling.

  2. Add the reflexive pronoun: Choose the appropriate reflexive pronoun that matches the subject of the sentence. The reflexive pronouns are: "me," "te," "se," "nos," "os," or "se."

  3. Conjugate the verb: Conjugate the reflexive verb according to the subject. Pay attention to the regular verb endings and any irregularities.

  4. Place the reflexive pronoun: Attach the reflexive pronoun to the end of the verb or place it right before the conjugated verb.

a picture of a cartoon girl brushing her teeth and big text that says "When you brush your teeth, you are performing the action on yourself - this is when we use a reflexive verb" + "I brush my teeth - Me cepillo los dientes"

For example, let's take the verb "levantarse" (to get up):

"I get up" would be "Me levanto" ("me" is the reflexive pronoun for "yo" - I).

"You get up" (informal singular) would be "Te levantas" ("te" is the reflexive pronoun for "tú" - you).

"He/She gets up" would be "Se levanta" ("se" is the reflexive pronoun for "él/ella" - he/she).

"We get up" would be "Nos levantamos" ("nos" is the reflexive pronoun for "nosotros" - we).

Examples Of When Reflexive Verbs Are Used In Spanish

To feel (Like something)


I feel happy

Me siento feliz

You feel happy

Te sientes feliz

He/She/You-Formal feel happy

Se siente feliz

They/You-Plural feel happy

Se sienten felices

We feel happy

Nos sentimos felices

To look (like something)


I look beautiful

Me veo hermoso/a

You look beautiful

Te ves hermoso/a

He/She/You-Formal look beautiful

Se ve hermoso/a

They/You-Formal look beautiful

Se ven hermosos/as

We look beautiful

Nos vemos hermosos/as

To take a bath (To bath oneself)


I take a bath

Me baño

You take a bath

Te bañas

He/She/You-Formal take a bath

Se baña

They/You-Plural take a bath

Se bañan

We take a bath

Nos bañamos

To relax (oneself)


I relax

Me relajo

You relax

Te relajas

He/She/You-Formal relax

Se relaja

They/You-Plural relax

Se relajan

We relax

Nos relajamos

To get (oneself) up


I get up

Me levanto

You get up

Te levantas

He/She/You-Formal gets up

Se levanta

They/You-Plural get up

Se levantan

We get up

Nos levantamos

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