What the heck is up with Spanish? There are two words to say “To understand” (Comprender and Entender), there are two words to say “To talk” (Hablar, Platicar), and many more duplicates like this! WTF, right?
The good news is, almost every word that has duplicates, while it may seem exactly the same, there are usually different connotations attached to these words. In this article, let’s talk about the difference between Ser and Estar, how to use them, and what they look like in sentences.
Are you ready to level up your Spanish? ¡Vamos! (Let’s go!)

What’s The Main Difference? | Ser And Estar
Ser is for who you are deep down, like your nationality or professional occupation. Whereas Estar covers how you feel or where you are right now. Easy peasy, right?
Here’s an ever more simple explanation: Ser = Permanent/Semi-permanent things | Estar = Temporary things
Ser: Used For That Which Is More Or Less "Permanent"
Imagine Ser as the spotlight on the stage of identity. This verb is all about inherent characteristics that define who or what something is.
It's like your DNA, unchanging and fundamental. Use Ser to describe nationality, professions, permanent physical traits, and essential qualities.
Soy de México. (I am from Mexico.) - Nationality
Ella es doctora. (She is a doctor.) - Profession
Los ojos azules son herencia familiar. (Blue eyes are a family trait.) - Essential quality
Estar: Used For That Which Is Temporary
Now, meet Estar, the versatile performer in the Spanish verb repertoire. Unlike its steadfast counterpart Ser, Estar is all about the here and now.
This verb describes temporary states such as emotions, locations, and conditions that can change over time.
Hoy estoy cansado. (Today I am tired.) - Temporary state
El perro está en el parque. (The dog is in the park.) - Location
Estamos muy emocionados por el concierto. (We are very excited for the concert.) - Emotion
So, how do I know whether to use Ser or Estar?
While you will have to get used to having two words which mean "To be," with enough exposure to the language this concept will become easier and almost intuitive. However, here are two acronyms that you can use to remember which "To be" to use.
To remember the uses of SER- think “DOCTOR”
D - Description
O - Occupation
C - Characteristic
T - Time
O - Origin
R - Relationship
To remember the uses of ESTAR - think “PLACE”
P - Position
L - Location
A - Action
C - Condition
E - Emotion
Ser: Uses & Examples
Now let's go over some examples that show the "permanent to semi-permanent" qualities that require the use of Ser to describe. ¿Listo/a? Vamos (Ready? Let's go)

Spanish Sentence | English Translation |
Este gato es muy gordo | This cat is very fat |
Tu casa es súper grande | Your house is super big |
Mi hijo es bajito | My son is short |
Mi carro es rojo | My car is red |
Su computadora es buena | His computer is good |
Spanish Sentence | English Translation |
Soy doctor | I am a doctor |
Soy profesor | I am a professor |
Eres enfermera | You are a nurse |
Ella es vendedora | She is a saleswoman |
Él es psicólogo | He is a psychologist |
Spanish Sentence | English Translation |
Ya son las tres | It’s three o’clock now |
Son las siete y media | It’s 7:30 |
Nos veremos a las cinco | We’ll see each other at 5 |
Te ví en el supermercado anoche a las ocho | I saw you in the market last night at 8 |
¿Ya son las cuatro? | Is it 4 yet? |
Spanish Sentence | English Translation |
Soy de Madrid | I’m from Madrid |
Eres de Italia | You are from Italy |
Ella es de aquí | She’s from here |
Soy de Argentina | I’m from Argentina |
Ellos son de Los Estados Unidos | They are from the USA |
Spanish Sentence | English Translation |
Ella es mi hermana | She's my sister |
Yo soy tu padre | I am your father |
Él es mi primo | He is my cousin |
Esa es mi familia | That's my family |
Ellos son mis hermanos | They’re my siblings |
Estar: Uses & Examples
Now let's go over some examples of how we should use "Estar," remember, this word is supposed to be used for temporary conditions, including: Location, Feelings and emotions, and actions that are being done at any given moment.

Spanish Sentence | English Translation |
Yo estoy en el estacionamiento | I’m in the parking lot |
Ella está en la casa | She’s at home |
Yo quiero estar en Madrid | I want to go to Madrid |
Él está en el trabajo | He’s at work |
Yo estoy enfrente del edificio | I am in front of the building |
Temporary Conditions
Spanish Sentence | English Translation |
El carro está sucio | The car is dirty |
La casa está muy limpia | The house is very clean |
Ella está cansada | She is tired |
Él está borracho | He’s drunk |
Él carro está estacionado por allí | The car is parked over there |
Feelings & Emotions
Spanish Sentence | English Translation |
Ella está un poco triste | She’s a bit sad |
Él está muy enojado | He’s really angry |
Yo estoy feliz | I am happy |
Tú estás agotado, lo sé | You are exhausted, I know |
Ella está aburrida | She is bored |
Spanish Sentence | English Translation |
Estoy pasando por tu casa ahora | I am going by your house right now |
Ella está corriendo 2 horas por día | She’s running 2 hours a day |
Él está cocinando en la casa | He’s cooking in the house |
Tú estás conduciendo ahora mismo | You’re driving right now |
Él está tratando de entender | He’s trying to understand |
Conclusion: Ser Vs Estar: To Be In Spanish
Wrapping up the "Ser vs. Estar" puzzle, let's cut to the chase. Ser is your go-to for unchanging stuff like identity and profession. Estar steps in for temporary things like emotions and locations.
Use "DOCTOR" for "ser" and "PLACE" for "estar," and you're set to own the Spanish language! Time to flex your linguistic muscles! Adiós amigo/a, stay tuned for more language tips. 🌟
If you’re interested in learning “How To Say I Love You In Spanish” check out this article that will tell you everything there is to know!
Have a wonderful day/evening/night,
¡Hasta luego!
~ Ben