Are you ready to order your food in Spanish? If you want to learn everything you can expect to hear in a restaurant where Spanish is spoken, this is the article for you!
We’re going to go over how to politely request reservations, food, and drinks, and we’ll learn how to read a menu in Spanish.
Let’s jump into it and take our Spanish to the next level!
¡Empecemos! (Let’s start!)

How To Order Food In Spanish
In this section of "Spanish phrases for restaurants," we'll go over how we can politely make requests, and we’ll go over some food and drink vocabulary so that you can make yourself clear to the waiter/waitress.
Making Polite Requests & Inquiries

¿Podría traerme la carta, por favor?
(Could you bring me the menu, please?)
Me gustaría [your request], por favor.
(I would like to [specific request], please.)
¿Sería posible [your question]?
(Would it be possible [your question]?)
¿Podría recomendarme [EX: your favorite drink]?
(Could you recommend me [EX: your favorite drink]?)
Me encantaría probar [Ex: los tacos]
(I would love to try… [Ex: the tacos]
Food-Related Vocabulary Needed
English | Spanish |
Food | La comida |
Menu | El menú |
Breakfast | El desayuno |
Lunch | El almuerzo |
Dinner | La cena |
Dish | El plato |
Appetizer | La entrada |
Dessert | El postre |
Salad | La ensalada |
Bread | El pan |
Rice | El arroz |
Potatoes | Las papas/patatas |
Cheese | El queso |
Soup | La sopa |
Olive oil | El aceite de oliva |
Sauce | La salsa |
Seasonings | Los condimentos |
Sugar | El azúcar |
Salt | La sal |
Pepper | El pimienta |
Vinegar | El vinagre |
Butter | La mantequilla |
Drink-Related Vocabulary Needed
English | Spanish |
Water | El agua |
Drink | La bebida |
Red/White wine | El vino tinto/blanco |
Beer | La cerveza |
Coffee | El café |
Tea | El té |
Juice | El zumo/jugo |
Soda | La soda |
Other Miscellaneous Restaurant Vocab
English | Spanish |
Daily special menu | El menú del día |
Tip | La propina |
Bill | La cuenta |
Reservation | La reserva |
Waiter/waitress | El camarero/la camarera |
Chef | El chef |
Kitchen | La cocina |
Grill | La parrilla |
Oven | El horno |
Understanding El Menú In Spanish
When reading the menu in Spanish, you’ll need a decent base vocabulary including names of meats, vegetables, and fruits. In this section I’ll give you all of the most common words on a restaurant menu, but if you want to learn more food vocabulary, check out this article.
Meats In Spanish That Might Appear On A Menu
English | Spanish |
Meat | La carne |
Fish | El pescado |
Chicken | El pollo |
Egg | El huevo |
Shrimp | El camarón |
Ground meat | Carne molida |
Lamb | El cordero |
Octopus | El pulpo |
Crab | El cangrejo |
Vegetables In Spanish That Might Appear On A Menu
English | Spanish |
Lettuce | La lechuga |
Tomato | El tomate |
Cucumber | El pepino |
Carrot | La zanahoria |
Broccoli | El brócoli |
Cauliflower | El coliflor |
Spinach | Las espinacas |
Bell pepper | El pimiento |
Onion | La cebolla |
Mushroom | El champiñón |
Zucchini | El calabacín |
Eggplant | La berenjena |
Celery | El apio |
Garlic | El ajo |
Potato | La patata |
Corn | El maíz |
Artichoke | La alcachofa |
Asparagus | El espárrago |
Radish | El rábano |
Vegetables | Las verduras |
Fruits In Spanish That Might Appear On A Menu
English | Spanish |
Apple | La manzana |
Pear | La pera |
Orange | La naranja |
Banana | La banana |
Grape | La uva |
Coconut | El coco |
Strawberry | La fresa |
Pineapple | La piña |
Kiwi | El kiwi |
Mango | El mango |
Common Meal Names You Might See
La ensalada mixta - Mixed salad
La sopa del día - Soup of the day
Tacos al pastor - Tacos with marinated pork
Enchiladas - Tortillas filled with meat, cheese, or beans and topped with sauce
Pozole - Hominy soup
Tamales - Steamed corn dough filled with various ingredients
Chiles Rellenos - Stuffed peppers
Quesadillas - Tortillas filled with cheese and other ingredients
Ceviche - Seafood dish marinated in citrus juice
Churros - Fried dough pastries
Arroz con Pollo - Chicken with rice
What’s On The Table?
In this section, we’ll go over the vocabulary for utensils, cutlery, glassware, and the other objects you’ll find on your table.

Tableware (Utensilios de mesa):
English | Spanish |
Fork | El tenedor |
Knife | El cuchillo |
Spoon | La cuchara |
Napkin | La servilleta |
Plate | El plato |
Bowl | El tazón |
Wineglass or goblet | La copa |
Glass | El vaso |
Tablecloth | El mantel |
Coaster | El posavasos |
Cutlery (Cubertería):
English | Spanish |
Butter knife | El cuchillo de mantequilla |
Salad fork | El tenedor de ensalada |
Dessert spoon | La cuchara de postre |
Teaspoon | La cucharita |
Soup spoon | La cuchara sopera |
Table Setting (Ajuste de mesa):
English | Spanish |
Fork | El tenedor |
Knife | El cuchillo |
Spoon | La cuchara |
Napkin | La servilleta |
Plate | El plato |
Bowl | El tazón |
Tablecloth | El mantel |
Coaster | El posavasos |
Making A Reservation

Quisiera hacer una reserva para [número de personas] a las [hora], por favor.
(I would like to make a reservation for [number of people] at [time] for, please.)
¿Tienen disponibilidad para [número de personas] el [día] a las [hora]?
(Do you have availability for [number of people] on [day] at [time]?)
¿Podría reservar una mesa para dos a las 8 de la noche?
(Could I book a table for two at 8 o'clock in the evening?)
¿Qué opciones de horarios tienen disponibles para una cena el [día]?
(What time slots do you have available for dinner on [day]?)
Necesito hacer una reserva para [nombre] bajo el nombre de [tu nombre].
(I need to make a reservation for [name] under the name of [your name].)
¿Puedo reservar una mesa junto a la ventana o en una zona tranquila, por favor?
(Can I book a table by the window or in a quiet area, please?)
¿Tienen algún menú especial para grupos o eventos?
(Do you have any special menu options for groups or events?)
¿Hay algún requisito de vestimenta para este restaurante?
(Is there a dress code requirement for this restaurant?)
¿A qué nombre debería hacer la reserva?
(Under what name should I make the reservation?)
¿Pueden confirmar mi reserva y enviarme un correo electrónico de confirmación?
(Can you confirm my reservation and send me a confirmation email?)
Si necesito cambiar o cancelar mi reserva, ¿cuál es el procedimiento?
(If I need to change or cancel my reservation, what is the procedure?)
¿Cuánto tiempo mantienen la reserva si llegamos tarde?
(How long will you hold the reservation if we arrive late?)
Preparation: What The Waiter Will Say

¡Buenas tardes! ¿En qué puedo ayudarles hoy?
(Good afternoon! How can I assist you today?)
¿Les gustaría ver el menú?
(Would you like to see the menu?)
¿Quieren algo para beber?
(Do you want something to drink?)
¿Están listos para ordenar?
(Are you ready to order?)
¿Necesitan más tiempo para decidir?
(Do you need more time to decide?)
¿Qué les gustaría de entrante?
(What would you like for starters?)
¿Y de plato principal?
(And for the main course?)
¿Cómo les gustaría la carne cocida?
(How would you like your meat cooked?)
¿Prefieren arroz o papas como acompañamiento?
(Do you prefer rice or potatoes as a side?)
¿Desean postre?
(Would you like dessert?)
¿Les traigo la cuenta?
(Shall I bring the bill?)
¿Necesitan algo más?
(Do you need anything else?)
Disculpen la espera, su comida estará lista en breve.
(Sorry for the delay, your food will be ready shortly.)
Espero que disfruten su comida.
(I hope you enjoy your meal.)
Si necesitan algo más, no duden en llamarme.
(If you need anything else, feel free to call me.)
Gracias por su visita, esperamos verlos de nuevo pronto.
(Thank you for your visit, we hope to see you again soon.)
Appreciating Your Food In Spanish
When you try something delicious, use any of these phrases to express your appreciation for the meal. The most common phrase said after one eats something tasty is “qué rico.”

¡Delicioso! - Delicious!
Está riquísimo/a. - It's very tasty.
Está exquisito/a. - It's exquisite.
Qué rico/a. - How tasty.
Me encanta. - I love it.
¡Muy sabroso! - Very flavorful!
Sabe fenomenal. - It tastes phenomenal.
Está increíble. - It's incredible.
Me hace agua la boca. - It makes my mouth water.
¡Qué delicia! - What a delight!
Qué sabor tan auténtico. - What an authentic flavor.
Conclusion: Spanish Phrases For Restaurants
In this article, we went over how we can make polite requests, and ask for recommendations, and we learned a ton of vocabulary that you will see in the average restaurant. Feel free to screenshot this article and print it out if you want to have it in a physical form.
If you are traveling to a Spanish-speaking country soon, you might also want to learn The Most Useful Spanish Phrases For Travel so that you’re well prepared for the airport, hotel, bars, and any possible emergency.
Have a wonderful day/evening/night!
- Ben